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South Cave Cubs – An Inspirational Visit

22nd July 2021
Under the watchful eye of the founder of the site, Robert Blackburn, the South Cave Cub’s Pack descended on the site on the 29th June 2021.  With the cheering of local football fans celebrating England’s historic win against Germany still echoing around the village, the pack arrived to learn about aerodynamics and the history of the site.

With a simple set up of a hairdryer and a ping pong ball, these young cub scouters (and future avionics engineers) learnt about Bernoulli’s principle.   By holding the ping ball in the airstream, it was explained that Bernoulli’s principle states that as air moves around an object, it creates different pressures on that object. Faster air means less pressure. Slower air means more pressure.  They then put what they had learnt into practise by designing, building and flying paper aeroplanes!

We are sure that Robert would have been very proud that the principles with which he designed his first aircraft back in 1911, are still being passed to future generations, and on the site he founded back in 1916.  The boys and girls all took part, and all earnt their Air Activities Staged Activity Badge!

Well done to everyone involved!

Posted by HEP Communications | 22 July 2021

Group Shot
Group and Robert
William Melling Experiment