A Micro Brewery Story

One of the Key tenants at the Humber Enterprise Park is Crystalbrew. Crystalbrew are a microbrewery which was established in January 2014. Their aim: “producing quality cask ales and supplying pubs and clubs throughout the region and beyond”.
The founders of the brewery are brothers, Michael and Chris Hird. Both have a background in Science and education. Michael is a lecturer in the Chemstry Department at Hull University whilst Chris was a Science teacher with an Honours degree in Biochemistry. Chris now works in the brewery full time as the Brewer and is the major shareholder.
The brewery occupies the former BAE Systems X-Ray facility analysis facility on the Humber Enterprise Park and is around 3500 square feet in size. It consists of a central atrium occupied by the brewery vessels and several rooms radiating from this including a loading bay.
The name Crystalbrew was inspired by the brewery’s close links with Hull University’s Chemistry Department which developed the first commercial liquid crystals in the 1970’s. Since that time further research at the University in the area of liquid crystals has resulted in their use in calculators, watches, televisions. Computers and smart phones. This technology has revolutionised display systems and resulted in world wide recognition for the Hull’s Chemistry Department both within and beyond the scientific community.
The whole brewery was brand new and state of the art when installed, utilising modern technology while staying true to traditional real ale brewing techniques. Crystalbrew’s brew length is 8 brewer’s barrels and with two thermostatically controlled fermenters we can produce up to 4600 pints of the best quality real ale every week.
They have brewed 8 different fine ales using only the best quality ingredients so far and the range will extend. We have a core range of beers and regularly brew specials. Core ales include Crystal Jade (4%), Crystal Blond (4.5%) and Limonite Bitter (3.8%). Popular specials are Black Pearl (5%) treacle stout, Anzac Pale (3.8%) and Summer Breeze (4%).
Their beers have already served in more than 50 pubs and clubs and these numbers are increasing weekly. With the booming popularity of real ale and the Crystalbrew brand spreading, the growth potential is good.
Posted By HEP Communications | 11 March 2015