A New Chapter Begins

Following purchase of the site by LC Industrial in October 2014, a major 12 month strategic plan has been developed to attract new tenants onto the Park. Work has been undertaken the Citivale Development Team to prepare the site for the next stage in its history. LC Industrial has earmarked 7m to make it ready for new occupants and this will be allocated to the Demolition of redundant building stock, refurbishment of key office space and simplifying of key service provision across the site.
Project One of this multi project venture is the three phase demolition of redundant buildings (click this link to see the latest demolition drawing). James Appleton Metcalfe, Managing Director of Citivale said “Whilst this project will remove some of the sites important history, the vision we have for the site is to demolish old obsolete building stock and breathe new life into what is currently tired office space, bringing it up to a modern standard. Coupled with some amazing ideas from our Brand and Experience partners I am very excited about how this project is taking shape”.
LC Industrial have also engaged with an independent strategic creative consultancy company called So Vibrant to develop a new and exciting Brand for the Humber Enterprise Park. Watch this space for future news reports about Brand launch in the coming months ahead.
Posted By HEP Communications | 9 March 2015