Duke of York opens £6m Humber Enterprise Park

100 years ago, the space was used by an entrepreneur named Robert Blackburn for aircraft manufacturing. Fast forward to now, the Humber Enterprise Park has seen significant investment during the last 2 years with Citivale, the site’s developer, and partner, LRE Capital, having invested over 6 million to transform part of the old BAE site into a versatile, modern business park.
James Appleton-Metcalfe, Citivale Managing Director, said at the opening: “Since we have purchased the property, we have sought to emulate the initial vision of Robert Blackburn and have spent over 6m of our own equity to create a facility that can accommodate entrepreneurial, embryonic and international corporate businesses side by side. To create an environment that is not just a place to work, but also a creative environment, an environment where businesses learn and grow from each other.”
Supporting this vision, the Humber Enterprise Park boasts the financial incentives of rates exemption thanks to its Enterprise Zone status, and the lowest rents on refurbished office space and industrial space in East Yorkshire. Added to that are ultrafast fibre internet connectivity, excellent transport links with the sites proximity to Brough train station and the motorway network, and 24hour security.
Spanning 86 acres in total, the site offers 20 acres of further development land. “We still have further ideas to add to the amenities on site for all employees in addition to the gym and break out areas you can see in the landscaped area to the rear. A perimeter running track, a sports court and allotments will all be implemented by the end of the year. All of these things create a community, a community where businesses will thrive.”